WARNING: this review/overview covers the whole story so many spoilers are shown; don't read if you don't want it spoiled
As a big fan of the Mortal Kombat
series; this game was a must to purchase and review. Injustice: Gods among us;
is a DC universe based fighter by Nether Realm studios; it takes elements from
the latest Mortal Kombat game and adds to them with interactable environments
and other things.
The game consists of a cast of 24
characters: -
Heroes: Superman, Batman,
Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Cyborg, Raven, Shazam
(Captain Marvel), The Flash, Aquaman, Hawk Girl
Villains: The Joker, Lex Luthor,
Death Stroke, Harley Quinn, Killer Frost, Ares, Black Adam, Sinestro, Bane, Cat
Woman, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday
There are also plans for four DLC
characters; the first of which is Lobo. Chances are there will be 2 heroes and
2 villains to keep the balance in the cast.
However this cast is severely
divided based on events that occur; that leads to the Insurgency and the
Injustice Character select screen |
The Story
The story of Injustice; is a very
dark one. The game starts with news that Metropolis has been devastated by a
nuke and that 8 million are dead; Batman is sat in a room interrogating the
Joker to find out where he got the nuke from, but Superman comes bursting
through the wall and begins to push the Joker up against the wall. It turns out
the Joker had drugged Superman and caused him to blow up the nuke; killing
those millions, including Lois and his unborn son.
The Joker uses his usual charm
and angers Superman even more; Batman tries to calm him down but he is knocked
back. Completely enraged; Superman kills the Joker by punching his hand
straight through his chest.
Superman pinning the Joker against the wall |
This is where the story properly
begins as a 12 chapter story; each chapter the player uses a different
character. Each Chapter consists of 4 battles and a few cut scenes
Chapter 1 – Batman
Fights: Death Stroke, Bane, Lex
Luthor, the Joker
After witnessing the previous
events; a message appears on the screen saying ‘Elsewhere’; the player is then
shown a scene of heroes fighting against the villains in different areas;
Metropolis and Watch Tower; as Batman journeys to find the Joker. He arrives at
Arkham Asylum and receives messages from Nightwing who is battling on the Watch
Tower with Cyborg; but he has to check if the Joker is still there. Arriving at
his cell; he notices a trip wire that he uses a freeze spray to get rid of;
there are many bombs in cell but the real danger is behind him; when Death
Stroke appears to try and kill him. Winning easily over him; Batman heads
straight for the watch tower to help out Nightwing and Cyborg; he manages to
take down Bane and Luthor with ease and places a device on him so his mech is
useless. The alarm begins to sound as the Joker and Harley are in downtown
Metropolis with a nuke that Luthor had given him. Batman raises the alarm and
gets the others to go down and try and stop him as he heads down himself.
Heroes rush the Joker but they vanish
slaps Harley and makes her get out of the way; whilst he takes the nuke off
standby to worry Batman; they argue and the Joker begins to go to press the
button as Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Green Lantern
and the Flash try to stop him. As they slowly move towards him; Batman,
Aquaman, Joker, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Lantern, begin to emit a strange
lightning energy before they all disappear.
Batman and the Joker appear in a
destroyed Metropolis as the Joker continues to try and press the button. Batman
takes out the Joker before they are surrounded by strange armoured troops that
have come to take him down; using a supersonic sound blast and a smoke bomb he
manages to escape; as well as the Joker. He goes on the roof of a building and
overhears the troops talking about how they’ve taken down many heroes for their
Batman listens in to what's going on |
Chapter 2 – Green Lantern
Fights: Raven, Cyborg, Sinestro,
Yellow Lantern
The chapter begins with the other
heroes stood on a roof top in Gotham. They begin to talk as to what has
happened and wonder if it was a time slip or an alternate dimension; Wonder
Woman and Green Arrow volunteer to do some recognisance around the area; whilst
Aquaman goes to Atlantis to see if there is any news of what has happened in this
world. Green Lantern decides to go to the closest recharge point and be ready
to come back fully charged.
Raven and Cyborg torturing Death Stroke
Arriving at his destination he
overhears voices behind a door. As he opens it he sees Death Stroke tied to a
bench with Raven and Cyborg stood over him torturing him for not joining them;
as a hero Green Lantern intervenes in this. Cyborg comments on how he has gone
back to being green; to which Raven points out that he is Hal Jordan and yet he
is not Hal Jordan. She manages to incapacitate him with her powers and Cyborg
mentions that they will be taking him to the high council but he manages to
break free using his ring; knocking out Cyborg. He manages to take down raven
easily and asks a now awakened Cyborg who the high council is but he won’t give
any answers and the Green Lantern takes him out. He uses his ring to break
Death Stroke free and asks him what he knows but is interrupted by Wonder Woman
calling him back as Sinestro is there.
Green Lantern meets Yellow Lantern |
He turns around to see Death Stroke has
escaped but he has no time and heads back to protect Green Arrow and Wonder
Woman from Sinestro’s powers. Sinestro mentions that ‘he would be happy to see
Green Arrow die again’ before Lantern turns up and uses his ring powers to
weaken Sinestro; he mentions that he joined with the high council as they have
similar goals before explaining that Hal Jordan of this world had joined their
side. Lantern takes out sinestro and goes to check on his friends; at which
point Hal Jordan appears but with a Yellow Ring; he tells Green Lantern that
there is so much more power in fear and begins to fight. It doesn’t take long
for the Green Lantern to beat the Yellow Lantern and they make their escape
when sirens start to sound.
Going around a few back allies
they come into contact with this worlds Batman; then the player is shown a
scene of the main dimensions Flash, Cyborg and Superman as they try to figure
out how to get their friends back from this alternate universe.
Chapter 3 – Aquaman
Fights: Shazam, the Flash,
Aquaman, Ares
Aquaman arrives in Atlantis and
talks to the keeper of the records to find out what has been happening in this
dimension; the keeper mentions that Superman is sending his envoys for
negotiations with Aquaman. He tricks the keeper by saying he wants a review of
the situation for signing the treaty. He learns that after the death of Lois
and metropolis; Superman reined in his power and made the Regime to keep
threats under check so nothing like that would ever happen again; but overall
became bitter and twisted due to these results and his grief about losing Lois
and his unborn child.
Aquaman looks over the treaty
A guard appears to tell him that
Superman’s envoys are in the throne room with the treaty. When he enters he
sees the Flash and Shazam who give him the treaty to have a look at before he
signs it; Aquaman learns that Atlantis would undergo complete subjugation and
the army would be under Superman’s control. Outraged Aquaman refuses this; the
Flash and Shazam are confused by this and threaten Aquaman; which was a mistake
as he takes them both out.
Aquaman talking to Ares
At this point this dimensions
Aquaman walks in and asks the guards to seize him for being an imposter; but
Aquaman makes short work of the troops that are sent at him as he trained all
of them and knows their moves. The two Aquman’s fight and more guards walk in
to stop him; until Ares stops time and shows up. With his reputation; Aquaman
beats him easily and realises he is weak to there being no confrontation in the
world; it is all under one rule. Ares explains to Aquaman that a lot of the
people who stood up to Superman are dead and those that aren’t joined in; a lot
of villains loyalty was bought so that they could rule easily over Superman’s
enemies; Aquaman asks for Ares to send him to his allies who are with the
Insurgence and soon is on his way.
He appears with his allies as
Green Arrow is about to swallow a pill; that this worlds Batman reveals to be
Kriptonian Nanotech; it tenses the muscles and durability of the person who
swallows it. It is assumed that it was given to the Green Arrow as he is not
super powered like Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Batman explains
that all of Superman’s men have taken these pills so they are harder to take
Discussion on the plan of action
Lex Luthor walks in as a meeting
starts to take place to the shock of the heroes; he explains that he is
Superman’s best friend but he has been funding the Insurgency to help get these
four heroes across to this dimension and explains that they have been
monitoring the other dimension; especially those 4 to open a special vault in
the bat cave to obtain a Kriptonian weapon that will take down Superman just to
knock him out; but he needs the four heroes DNA to unlock the vault.
A cut scene occurs in the
fortress of Solitude; where Superman is working on a device with a very calm Doomsday
stood behind him. Wonder Woman; wearing an extremely seductive outfit appears
to the busy Superman and tells him that Hal Jordan has arrived; but she is
feeling a bit neglected as Superman’s new woman and tells him she isn’t trying
to replace Lois. She leaves and Hal Jordan as the Yellow Lantern arrives and
explains that he saw another Hal Jordan and the others. This raises some
concern with Superman as he orders the Yellow Lantern to go out and find them.
Superman learns of the doppelgänger's |
Chapter 4 – The Joker
Fights: Batman, Harley Quinn,
Hawk Girl, Nightwing
The chapter starts off with the
Joker in Gotham city looking for his old gang; as he looks around, Batman jumps
down but the Joker kicks him and injures his leg. The weakened Batman is easily
taken out by the Joker; he sees Hawkgirl and the Yellow Lantern in the sky and
hides; leaving Batman to be taken away by these two “Heroes”. Laughing at this
misfortune he waits for them to disappear.
Batman captured by the Regime
The scene changes back to the
Fortress of Solitude; where Superman is testing the device on Doomsday’s collar
to make him obey. Yellow Lantern calls to tell him to tell him that they have
captured Batman and they fly off with the now unconscious Batman.
The Joker continues to remember
what he was actually doing before all this; at which point Harley Quinn turns
up to the surprise of the Joker. She tells him that her name is Harline and holds
a shotgun to him and begins to question why someone is going around as the
Joker causing trouble and thinks he is not really the Joker. She fights him
only to realise that he is in fact the Joker; and gets extremely happy that
he’s alive again; she tells him to follow her as there are people that would
want to see him.
Another scene begins where
Superman and Wonder Woman come to visit the caged Batman; he scans him with his
senses and realises this isn’t the right Batman and demands to know why he is
The Joker stands on a stage in
Arkham Asylum as he begins to reveal in the joys of his gang; giving a big
speech about Superman killing the people in Metropolis and that they could go
on a mass crime wave using the pills that Green Arrow had taken before. He
swallows it and Supermans regime troops burst through the room with Hawkgirl
and Nightwing. Harley presses a button with the Bat Symbol on it; whilst
Hawkgirl and the Joker fight each other. Nightwing sees this and goes to help
but the Joker weakens him with exploding cards and eventually takes out him as
well; at which point they escape and Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Arrow
and Lantern appear to help.
Harley questioned as to why the Joker is there
Harley thanks Batman for the help
and the Joker walks over making his usual jokes as he does; but he is
interrupted by Wonder Woman wanting to know how he got over; and Batman asks
why Harley brought him here. Aquaman and the others guess that Batman came with
them and want to know where he is; telling them that he has been captured. They
start to head over to Wayne Manor and asks Harley to stay low as they are now
targets and locks the Joker up.
A brief scene is shown where
Superman, Flash and Cyborg of the main dimension figure out the others are in
another dimension and that they can use Flash’s cosmic treadmill to use the
right frequency to open up the gate and bring them home.
Chapter 5 – Green Arrow
Fights: Solomon Grundy, Killer
Frost, Wonder Woman, Black Adam
The chapter starts with a small
scene of Lex Luthor and Death Stroke talking on top of a building in Gotham;
Death Stroke finally joins up with the Insurgency after the Regime made it
personal to him.
The rest of the group arrive at
Wayne Manor; that is completely shielded off; so that no one can get in. It is
mostly a wreck due to superman revealing Batman’s identity and freezing all
Waynetech’s assets; Batman finally reveals what happened on the day of the nuke
exploding. Somehow the Joker had altered Superman’s mind to make him think that
Lois was Doomsday; the Joker linked the Nuke’s trigger to Lois’s heartbeat; so
that when she and the baby died, the rest of Metropolis went with them. The group
are shocked at this and are not surprised Superman has done what he’s done;
with him being vulnerable; Batman says that this dimensions Oliver Queen died
trying to explain that to Superman; to which the main dimension Oliver Queen is
a bit taken back by.
Lantern blasted back by Killer Frost
Breaking through the shield; the
group split up. Aquaman goes with Batman and Green Arrow, Lantern and Wonder
Woman secure the bat cave entrance in the study. Only Green Arrow can get them
through it though as the automated sentries need to be taken out with the
Arrows; the group enter and eventually find their way to the study. The door is
extremely cold and Green Lantern tries to enter but is blasted back by Killer
Frost; Wonder Woman goes after her whilst Solomon Grundy who is also in the
room goes after Green Arrow. Using his evading skills; he manages to anger the
huge zombie.
Using his bow he strikes at
Grundy as well as objects he throws at him; he manages to eventually take him
out. He shouts at Green Lantern ‘Home Run’ as Hal flies in and hits him with a
large baseball bat and follows after him. Wonder Woman is busy sword fighting
with Killer Frost but ends up frozen; with an explosive arrow, the Green Arrow
manages to break her out and fights Killer Frost himself.
After the match; Green Lantern comes
back in and tells the others that he put Grundy in orbit; Batman and Aquaman
turn up and the group head off to the Bat Cave.
A scene occurs where Lex Luthor
and Superman are talking about getting a scanner to tell who the duplicates are
and thanks his friend for all his support; Superman asks if he thinks there is
another Lois in the other dimension; to which Luthor replies, there is only one
The group arrive inside the bat
cave that is completely destroyed; they wonder how Batman managed to hide
something in there from Superman and explains that he injected the walls with
Lead Polymer so even Superman couldn’t find it. He goes onto explain that the
only way the weapon will work is if he gets the DNA of Superman’s closest
allies along with Green Arrows.
Group place their hands on the DNA scanner
Green Lantern breaks open the
wall and Batman raises a pedestal with a hand print scanner so they can get the
case out of the large rock. At this point Wonder Woman and Black Adam turn up
whilst Batman hides the case and Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Aquaman go
against Black Adam. Green Arrow takes on Wonder Woman and takes her out; but
whilst the others keep Black Adam at bay he uses his lightning powers to shock
them all as they are all wearing some form of metal that links them together;
except for the Green Arrow. Being the only one left standing he takes out Black
Adam as well; but because of this blast the gun used to fire the kryptonite was
damaged and they need to somehow get a new one.
Gun destroyed during the fights |
Chapter 6 – Cyborg
Fights: Death Stroke, Lex Luthor,
Cat Woman, Cyborg
The chapter starts in the main
dimension where Superman, Cyborg and the Flash are attempting to bring the
group back; using the Cosmic Treadmill they manage to get it to the right
frequency in order to open the gate. However the energy levels begin to spike
as the Flash keeps running; he tries to stop but Cyborg is sent over to the
other side and into the insurgency’s base. He begins to explore and comes
across Lex Luthor and Death Stroke talking about the chaos they’ve caused and
how they are going to take down superman and says that it is all he needed to
hear before he begins to charge them.
Cyborg overhears Luthor and Death Stroke
Death Stroke pushes Luthor out of
the way and the two begin to fight with Cyborg being the victor; Lex Luthor
then returns wearing his signature Mech armour and the two begin to fight with
Cyborg again winning. The rest of the group walk in after hearing the fights
going upstairs and they welcome him to the group and he asks to fill him in on
what has happened.
The game cuts to Wonder Woman and
Superman in the Bat Cave; she tells him he took a big chance in coming back to
the Cave and wants to know why; Superman places his hand in container that Batman
kept the gun in and is weakened by fragments of the Kryptonite that was in
there. He begins to panic and realises he has to flush the group out as quickly
as possible.
Superman makes a speech to the world
It returns back to the Insurgency
hideout; where Cyborg suggests they go to their dimension and fix the optical
laser on the weapon there and return with reinforcements; however Batman enters
and tells them it’ll have to wait as Superman has just made an announcement
that Batman was the one to blame for the explosion five years ago and now he is
being put to Justice and will be executed at 6pm on Strikers Island. The group
begin to make a plan of what to do and Cyborg suggests they take a sneaky
approach by using the watchtowers teleportation systems to get in and out of
the prison and Aquaman offers to create a diversion to keep Superman outside.
Cyborg volunteers to take control
of the Watchtower as he is the most qualified and can infiltrate the enemy’s
defences; as he transforms into this dimensions Cyborg. Death Stroke volunteers
to go with him but Cyborg refuses; however Luthor and Batman explain that the
only way to get to Watch Tower is through the teleporter in the Hall of Justice
and that if his cover is blown he will need someone to shadow him.
Cyborgs hack each other
They arrive and begin to tamper
with the controls in order to find a way to get to the Watchtower; they
exchange words as Cyborg doesn’t trust him based on their history; but Death
Stroke explains they have no history. Cyborg leaves and tells him to meet him
at the teleporter in 15 minutes and he goes to calibrate the teleporter; but as
he does Cat Woman comes through it, he makes the mistake of saying hello to
hear and she finds this strange. She begins to act like he is being distant and
that they’ve had so many wild times; but this is a ploy and she manages to
break the field so his true form is shown. The two of them fight and he manages
to dispatch her without any issues; but as he goes back to he was doing this
dimensions Cyborg appears and the two begin to hack into each other; trying to
take each other apart by their coding; but the eventually decide to settle on
beating each other up with the main dimensions Cyborg winning once again.
Death Stroke appears and tells
Cyborg that he beat him to it and eventually lets slip that this Cyborg had
tortured him. The two get into the teleporter and head on up to the Watchtower.
Chapter 7 – Death Stroke
Fights: Shazam, the Flash, Killer
Frost, Wonder Woman
Death Stroke’s chapter follows
directly on from what occurred at the end of Cyborgs; with them now on the
Watchtower. Cyborg says he’s managed to get access to the teleporter by
stealing the data from the alternate Cyborg as they were trying to hack each
other; Death Stroke is impressed but starts wandering off and tells Cyborg he
won’t be long.
Shazam and Flash talk about Superman's plan |
In the main chamber Shazam and
Flash are talking about their doubts with what Superman is doing; Death Stroke
begins to plant mines in the area. Shazam is finding it difficult that Superman
will kill Batman as he did with Green Arrow; Flash remains silent for a moment
then realises that something is wrong. Death Stroke walks in and the two heroes
try and take him down, but his mines go off and knock them down a level; Flash
is knocked out but Shazam manages to stay up; but not for long as Death Stroke
takes him out.
Flash awakens to see Shazam unconscious
and goes to find Death Stroke who is playing with the reactor controls. Flash
tries to stop him but it’s too late; they begin to fight and Death Stroke wins;
he returns to Cyborg who is confused at what he’s actually done; the reactor
has gone critical and they need to get out of their as soon as possible. Cyborg
calls Batman and tells him that the reactor is going to blow in 90 minutes so
he needs to hurry with his mission. Luthor calls the Watchtower and asks that
Death Stroke go to Ferris Island to get a prototype weapon to fire the
Kryptonite; Cyborg states that Batman can get it but Luthor refuses as he knows
Batman will want to use it himself and he is too valuable.
Batman calls Harley and asks to
get her people into position and occupy any law enforcement she can; she agrees
to this. Much to the Jokers disgust but she lets him out; knowing Batman won’t
like it; but Joker threatens her before leaving; Harley looks on in hatred of
this Joker. The game skips back to the main dimension with Flash and Superman
trying to figure out a way to open the gate; but the device is programmed to
work with Cyborg’s technology.
Death Stroke gets the tech for Luthor
Wonder Woman enters Ferris Island
at the request of Killer Frost; she has discovered anomalies that link to the
other dimension and that the main one is in the Insurgency’s hideout; she isn’t
impressed though and asks that she send the coordinates to the Flash; Killer
Frost tells her she’s done and turns around to see that using his skills; Death
Stroke has managed to subdue Wonder Woman with her own Lasso. He manages to
take out Killer Frost; just in time for Wonder Woman to break out of her Lasso;
he laughs and tells her that he won’t be beaten by Superman’s rebound girl and
manages to knock her out this time. He gets to the vault; picks up the gun and
asks Cyborg to send him to Luthor.
Chapter 8 – Batman
Fights: Cat Woman, Nightwing,
Green Arrow, Yellow Lantern
The time has come and the group
begin their assault on Strikers Island; there are many troops and Regime
commanders there as they wait for the group to attack head on. However Aquaman appears
with an army of large crab like creatures to take on the Regime; the army
begins to attack and are unaware that Batman and Green Arrow have snuck in.
Aquaman's Assault
As they get further into the base
they are attacked by Cat Woman and Nightwing; Cat Woman goes straight for
Batman and tries to reason with him that she didn’t have a choice and that
Superman would have killed him if she hadn’t joined him; she wants them to
escape together; Batman refuses however and she begins to attack him, but she
is easily taken down by him.
Father and Son
Green Arrow is still doing battle
with Nightwing; wanting to know why he’d joined up with Superman as Batman was
like a father to him and took him in; Batman reveals that this isn’t Dick Grason;
it’s his son Damian Wayne, who had killed Dick and replaced him. As a spoilt
child he begins to say Superman was more of a father to him than Batman ever
was and begins to attack his father; but Batman is far more skilled and manages
to easily take his son down and leaves him with the words ‘you’re dead to me’
and ties him up.
Outside; the battle is still
raging on as the crab army wakes it way further up the beach. Superman goes to
attack but Green Lantern knocks him flying with a large hammer into Wonder
Woman’s arms; but he easily escapes and throws her towards her comrade.
As they journey further into the
base they find Batman’s cell; where he is severely beaten up; the alternate
Batman manages to get him free but an arrow comes flying at him. He turns
around to see that the Green Arrow is being controlled by Raven and that the
only way to free him is by fighting him; he easily takes him down after
blocking an array of arrows and Raven appears. She goes to attack but the main
Batman knocks her out cold with a blow to the back of her head.
Batman rescues Batman
The three heroes begin to make
their escape; with Batman being supported by the other two. However as they
leave; Yellow Lantern is knocked straight through the ceiling and the alternate
Batman asks them to leave so he can deal with it; which doesn’t take him too
long. Back outside; Superman is choking Wonder Woman but Aquaman interrupts by throwing
his trident; Wonder Woman is then caught by a large green hand as Superman goes
to deal with Aquaman.
They begin to fight with Aquaman
being sent flying; Green Lantern seals Superman in a cage but he easily breaks
free and flies after Lantern. Grabbing him; he nearly pulls him apart until he
sees the two Batman’s and Green Arrow escaping, they await Cyborg to teleport
them but it fails; they try and hold Superman talking for as long as possible
and then they dive off the edge of the cliff behind them. Cyborg teleports them
out and Superman realises that Watchtower has been lost; he goes up to it in a
fit of rage to deal with whoever is inside but as he gets closer it explodes
due to Death Strokes tampering earlier.
Knocked back and dazed; he hears
Luther shout from below ‘Superman your times over’
Superman caught in the Watchtower Blast
Chapter 9 – Lex Luthor
Fights: Haryley Quinn, the Joker,
Hawk Girl, Shazam
The story continues three hours earlier
from the previous events; Luthor attaches the device to his mech and listens to
the news of the insurgency attacking Strikers Island. He remains silent as he
prepares for what he has to; he swallows one of the pills that the others have
taken and seals himself inside his suit. He begins a flight over Metropolis
until two missiles begin to chase him down; at the last second he activates his
shield but he is knocked out of the sky and lands on one of the Regime’s
He slowly gets up in pain and
asks the suit for a damage report; luckily he isn’t too badly damaged but part
of it is offline. He comes into contact with the Joker and Harley; it appears
that the Joker had shot him out of the sky, Luthor states that unless they want
Superman to succeed they best step out of the way. Harley is confused by this
as she knows they are friends, but he reveals that he has been working with the
Insurgency all this time; but the Joker interrupts and asks Harley to get
Luthor out of the suit. Harley goes to attack but is taken down by Luthor
easily even with the damaged suit.
Harley about to kill the Joker |
The Joker then fires Harley and
actually attempts to kill her for being useless; she is shocked at this and
Luthor steps in to save her. Angry; Harley picks up the knife and attempts to
kill him as she feels like a fool for trusting him again; with all her energy
she manages not to do it and promises to lock him up as long as he can get rid
of Superman. The time jumps to the battle at Strikers island with the two
Lanterns battling off against each other; and the Green Lantern manages to
knock the Yellow through the roof; which is the point where alternate Batman
fights him in the last chapter.
Green Lantern is hit by Black
Adams lighting but Luthor appears and shoots both Adam and Hawkgirl; he asks
Green Lantern to go and help Wonder Woman as he will handle those two. He flies
off with the two Regime commanders following after him through Metropolis;
using skills from the mech he manages to shoot both of them out of the sky. He
lands by Hawkgirl and asks her to give him her belt but she refuses and begins
to battle him. She easily loses though and he tries to take her belt; but
Shazam appears and attacks him; confused as to why he’s working with the
insurgency. The two fight with Luthor coming out on top.
Checking the vitals of his mech;
it tells him that flight mode is offline. Suddenly there is a huge blast;
Watchtower exploded, he asks his mech if there were any casualties, but
thankfully all the personnel were evacuated and Superman was caught in the
blast but is unharmed.
Shazam stopping Luthor at the last second |
It cuts to Superman in space
listening to Lex Luthor shout up to him. He readies his aim as the angry
Kryptonian makes his way down to earth at high speed; he gets closer and as
Luthor is about to fire; Shazam blasts him from behind with his lighting
powers. Superman crash lands straight on top of his old friend; Luthor is severely
injured and Superman is upset that his friend has betrayed him. He rips him out
of his mech and begins to chock Luthor; using all his strength he snaps Luthor’s
neck and under the pressure flies off due to all the voices shouting in his
head. Shazam stands and looks up confused as to what happened.
Superman breaks Luthor's neck |
Chapter 10 – The Flash
Fights: Yellow Lantern, Solomon
Grundy, Sinestro, Green Arrow
After the events of the last
chapter; the Regime are holding a meeting as to what they will do next about
the duplicates; Superman feeling betrayed about what Luthor had done and goes
on about how he has shielded man and this is how they repay him; standing
against him. He decides he will not stand for it anymore and wants to destroy
metropolis, gotham and even the other dimension; during his speech Shazam,
Yellow Lantern and the Flash walk him; and Shazam is so confused by this. He
starts to talk back to Superman saying we are attacking civilians now; and that
they shouldn’t do it; Superman will not listen to reason and demands that Billy
(Shazam) stand down but he refuses and states that Lois wouldn’t have wanted
Superman killing Shazam |
Superman not wanting to here the
excuse again picks up Shazam by the neck; he tries to get superman to reason
but the angry Kryptonian freezes his mouth shut and then uses his heat vision
to melt his brain; instantly killing the young hero and dropping him to the
floor. He looks around and asks if anyone else has anything to say; but they
all remain quiet; he goes onto giving orders, Cyborg and Raven to take control
of all media broadcasts so the world can see that he is the one in charge,
Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl and Black Adam are to go with him. He asks Sinestro to
prepare his ground forces and asks Lantern and Flash to get Doomsday ready for combat.
Gathering around their fallen comrade |
Flash, Lantern and Grundy gather
around the young dead hero; Lantern asks Grundy to take him outside; as he
picks him up Flash wants one last look before the large Zombie carries him
away. Feeling remorse for what had happened; the Flash tells Lantern that Shazam
was right, and it wasn’t right for him to die because he stood up for what he
thought Superman believed in. Flash states that he let himself believe that
they were making things better but he was wrong and decides to leave; Lantern
tries to reason with him but the Flash wants out, he tries to stop him but
Flash will is resolved and he takes down Yellow Lantern; Grundy soon enters and
he takes him out too and escapes the Fortress of Solitude.
Flash being flung away by Sinestro |
He begins to run down to the
Insurgency’s base but on his way he notices Sinestro’s energy in the distance;
he goes off to see what is happening and sees him making a speech that any
Insurgence must be stopped immediately and without remorse. Flash overhearing
this charges through all his men and steals their guns so that the captured
Insurgence’s cannot come to harm; Flash stands up to Sinestro but he locks him
in a trap and throws him to Wayne Manor.
Sinestro follows quickly and
takes on the Flash for leaving the Regime; but the Flash quickly takes control
of the situation and takes Sinestro down. He seals him in a pyramid to slow him
down and not be able to catch up with him quickly; then charges off to the
Insurgency hide out.
Flash surprised and happy to see Green Arrow alive |
Green Arrow; is preparing his
Arrows for the battle ahead and talking to Black Canary’s photo; Flash runs
into the room and is shocked to see Oliver alive. He asks to talk to Batman;
but Green Arrow refuses to let him go and the two end up fighting; Flash proves
that he is now on their side and a meeting starts to take place.
Chapter 11 – Wonder Woman
Fights: Bane, Ares, Raven, Wonder
The group start to make their
final plan of action; they suggest that the main dimensions Superman should be
brought over; but alternate Batman refuses and states that he is going to send
the group home. Wonder Woman states that Luthor sacrificed himself; they won’t
let his life go to waste and that he shouldn’t allow what Superman has done
here to cloud his judgement as their Superman is different.
Ares brings Wonder Woman to him |
At this point many of the Regime
break into the Insurgency’s base and begin to battle with them; Wonder Woman
encounters Bane and deflects all the bullets he shoots at her and beats him to
a pulp; but as she is about to handcuff him, she is teleported away to
Themyscira by Ares who just wants to talk to her. Knowing that it could easily
be a trick she battles the war god and takes victory over him.
Wonder Woman learns what happened to the Amazon's |
Ares begins to reveal why he
brought her there and shows that her amazons work for superman because Wonder
Woman is his second in command. She can’t believe that is happening and Ares
asks her to go and deal with it; but she is cautious as she knows the battle
will give him back his strength; she agrees to the plan but before she can deal
with it Raven shows up. Ares teleports away at the request of Wonder Woman and
she does battle with Raven and claims victory over her as well.
The two Wonder Woman's do battle |
The alternate dimension Wonder
Woman begins to prepare her amazons for battle; preparing ships and weapons.
Until the main Wonder Woman appears and demands that she stand down as she has
let one man take control and oppress man; rather than help man as is the way of
the amazons; the two begin to use their swords and shields to battle each other
and eventually come down into a huge fight that leaves Superman’s second in
command out of action. She now takes control of this dimension Amazons and at
the right time as Superman is launching an attack on Metropolis and the other
Superman levelling a bridge with civilians on it |
Using his super powered soldiers;
doomsday and himself he begins to devastate the city; the other heroes appear
and do their best to hold off against superman’s Regime; but they appear to be
far more powerful.
Chapter 12 – Superman
Fights: Batman, Black Adam,
Aquaman, Doomsday, Superman
The chapter starts differently
than the others; it starts off with Batman wanting to call over Superman from
his dimension; but the alternate dimension Batman refuses as his judgement is
clouded by his hatred for what this Superman has done and wants to send the
others home. The two fight it out and eventually he agrees to bring over
Superman to help out.
Batman grateful to see Superman |
Batman and Superman begin to talk
about a battle plan; whilst the other Batman stays his distance. They decide to
work together to limit the amount of casualties and Superman says he will take
Doomsday elsewhere as that will be a long fight; he then asks if Batman has any
other information; but Batman just replies ‘it may be out of context but it’s
good to have you back’.
The rest of the heroes and
villains continue to do battle; Black Adam picks up a car and is about to hit
Aquaman with it; until Superman appears and asks that they stand down. Black
Adam doesn’t take kindly to this and goes to punch Superman but he blocks it
and sends him flying; with more rage Black Adam begins to throw cars to which
Superman manages to blow up and hit Adam numerous times before they get down to
a proper fight; with Superman claiming his first victory.
Hal gives his yellow power ring to Superman |
Sinestro appears and begins to
hit Superman with a giant mace; others look on in shock as the evil Lantern
laughs; but he has missed. Superman appears behind him and takes his ring and
states to Hal Jordan that if he has any decency he will remove his ring as
well; which he does.
The scene then cuts to Insurgency
troops running away from a large tidal wave being pushed by Aquaman who is
leading his Atlantians through the streets of Metropolis; but with his freeze breath,
Superman manages to take control of the situation and throws the wave away.
Aquaman furious at this asks if Superman is ready to take on the might of
Atlantis; to which he replies ‘Yes; WE are’ as Wonder Woman leading the Amazons
appears on the buildings and they deal with all the Atlantian troops. Aquaman
becomes enraged and attacks Superman; but he isn’t too concerned and takes out
the alternate Aquaman with ease.
Amazon's vs Atlantian's |
Superman and Wonder Woman begin
to talk and joke as he comments on how easy she makes it look; but before he
can continue a large truck hits him from the side and he is blasted through
several buildings. Doomsday then lifts the truck and tries to devour Superman
but he uses his heat vision to stun him and then grabs him and flies them both
to the fortress of Solitude where they can do battle without any casualties. It
is a tough fight but he manages to get through it.
Superman takes Doomsday to the Fortress of Solitude |
This dimensions Superman appears
and they begin to argue about what has happened here; that he is supposed to be
its protector but he has enslaved man for his own madness. The alternate
Superman begins to state that after he has killed the main Superman that he
will go to their world and bring Lois back; but doesn’t think that she would be
terrified at what she sees but Superman refuses to let that happen and manages
to defeat his evil counterpart for the good of the world.
Superman takes down his evil counterpart and the others arrive |
The Ending
After the battle; Superman states
that in the same situation it would have done to same to the main Superman;
before the rest of the Insurgency turn up and decide to lock him away for good.
All the Regime members are locked up for what they have done; including Flash
who goes willingly. Cyborg looks on at Luthors grave and rests flowers there to
show his respect for willingly giving his life; and Superman is locked away in
a cell surrounded by lights that represent red suns to quell his powers. Superman
and the alternate Batman talk and mention that in the same situation he would
have done the same; Batman promises that if he ever does go dark he will come
and find him and take him down and
states that he will send them all home.
As the two walk off; it zooms in
on Superman’s cage and his eyes begin to glow; before the credits roll.
Superman's Eyes glowing before the credits roll |
Overview on who is on who’s
After the events of the story it
can get confusing as who is with who in terms of the story so here is a list of
characters from both dimensions that are on each side. The alternate dimension
characters will be marked with a *
Insurgency: Batman*, Green
Arrow*, Haryley Quinn* Batman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green
Lantern, Lex Luthor*, Superman, The Flash* (after story point), Death Stroke*,
Regime: Superman*, Wonder Woman*,
Shazam*, Black Adam*, Killer Frost*, Raven*, Cyborg*, Bane*, Aquaman*,
Doomsday*, Solomon Grundy*, Yellow Lantern*, Sinestro*, The Flash* (until story
point), Cat Woman*, Hawkgirl*, Nightwing*
Working for themselves: Ares*,
The Joker
Game Modes
There are a few game modes to
choose from within Injustice; as well as Story Mode, the player can select
Battle mode; this is similar to the ladders in Mortal Kombat, where the player
has to fight their way to the top.
Story Mode
As covered above; this is one of
the primary modes of the game; that allows the player to go through the story
at their own pace; giving them a continue and select chapter function as well
if they just want to replay specific parts.
Battle Mode
However with this mode there are
numerous modes the player can do it as. The first three are already unlocked at
the start and the rest are unlocked via level up or using access cards in the
archives. These are
- Classic -
defeat randomly chosen heroes and villains; receive ending at the end
- Heroes -
defeat randomly chosen heroes
- Villains -
defeat randomly chosen villains
- Poisoned -
Health constantly depleating
- Survivor -
Health carries over from match to match; obtain bonus health to survive
- Mirror Match -
Fight as your opponent in a series of mirror matches
- Mystery - Each
match gives a different buff or debuff
- Fully Charged
- Both you and the opponent have a full super meter but super moves are
- Combo Heaven -
Perform a combo of the required number to win
- Help from
above - your opponents health recovers to full every 30 seconds
- Injured -
begin each match with only one quarter of your health
- Give and Take
- each attack gives you or your opponent health; win before time runs out
- Sidekick -
fight two opponents per fight
- Speed Run -
defeat all opponents in 2 minutes
- Random fighter
- fight each opponent with a random hero or villain
- Countdown -
defeat each opponent in under 30 seconds
- Unstoppable -
defeat all opponents without losing
- The max - 1
chance to defeat all opponents on max difficulty
- Full House -
defeat the entire cast of Injustice
- Impossible -
defeat the entire cast of injustice with a single health bar
This gives the player numerous
options to choose from and isn’t just select a difficulty and go through it;
they add a bit more depth and challenge that the player can take upon
themselves if they wish.
Battle Mode selection
By doing the classic fight; the
player can unlock individual character endings; however these can be quite
strange as they only have one each and it can clash with what the characters
default appearance is and cover the alternate dimension version. Such as
Nightwing’s ending. Ideally they should have done two endings based on the
normal dimension and the alternate dimension.
S.T.A.R Labs
Like the tower mode in the latest
Mortal Kombat; these are special missions that sort of add a side story to the
game. The player only initially has access to around four or five missions and
all of them Supermans; but by completing them and doing the extra missions
within them; they get access to more and more.
A look at the S.T.A.R Labs mission select |
Each character has a total of 10
missions each; giving a total of 240 missions. Each mission has three
submissions as well that can range from taking out the enemy to doing the
entire stage backwards; for each of these submissions the player completes they
receive a star. The aim is to get as many stars as possible to unlock more and
more missions; the last mission needs a total of 240 stars to do; which is
Ares’s last mission. Each mission has a total of three stars they can get; so
overall the player can achieve 720 stars.
Some of the missions are quite interesting
as they each have a little story to go with them; for instance Superman is
going after Lex Luthor; Batman has to hunt down all the villains and put them
back in Arkham Asylum; and Cat Woman is trying to find information out to try
and sneak into the Bat Cave to steal the Bat Mobile.
Some interesting missions of note
are Superman using his powers to protect a citizen from rolling barrels and
floating robots; the player must input the right combination of buttons to
protect him. Cat Woman has a mission where the player controls her cat Isis
through a museum and the player must get through without being spotted.
Sneaking through the Museum as Isis
The player doesn’t have to do
these missions in order; nor do they have to get all the stars in one go; as
for some missions it is impossible. For instance for Catwomans missions; 1 star
might be to get to the end; the second to do the stage backwards and the third
to not move backwards at all; so the player will have to redo it to get
different stars.
Successfully obtaining all three stars in a mission |
Single Battle
This is a simple mode; where they
player selects a character, an opponent, a difficulty and a stage and takes
them on for one battle. Then the player must select the characters etc. Again;
whilst not fully needed, it is nice for the players to do a versus mode style
scenario with the CPU.
A mode that allows players to
practice against any selected character to see what combos they want to do and
learn more. Most fighters have this and it’s a good way for the players to get
used to the combat a bit easily; they can also set up the opponent to be AI
controlled so they can practice their play style against a moving opponent.
Versus Mode
A usual mode that allows two
players to fight against each other whilst in the same room
Wifi Versus
Allows players from all over the
world to play against each other; comes in handy to play against friends when
they are not together. The player is able to rank up as they go and become to
the top of the ladder etc.
This is a section that allows
players to unlock content and view it; they are able to unlock music, costumes,
battle game modes, character and environment concept art. By levelling up from
battles the player is given access and armour cards that they use to unlock
these respectively.
It is a great way of doing it and
it gives the player something to aim for; especially when you get to see the
models in all their glory in unique poses.
A look at Nightwing's new 52 model in the Archieve |
The game is very well presented;
the environments look great, they use the right colours to amplify their dark
and dreary side, especially in Gotham and the ruined Metropolis. It uses a lot
of correct lighting and overall looks very impressive in terms of what it is.
Using the mechanics to destroy
the environments helps add to this whole point of people of such power fighting
that the areas are getting destroyed with ease. These can be distracting though
during fights so it is best to keep a good focus on the characters if possible.
Destroyed Environment damage |
The major problem Nether Realm
has is that there females are far too manly looking; a couple have gotten away
with it this time, Killer Frost and Harley Quinn; possibly Hawk Girl. But
Wonder Woman and Raven’s facial features are far too manly looking and it looks
very strange, although Wonder Womans physique is quite strong looking; it just
doesn’t look right. The rest of the characters look fine however and use some
interesting costume choices especially for those divided into the Regime.
Supermans default being his usual look and then having an extremely dark blue
costume with darkened eyes etc. This can be seen with Nightwing as well; with
his usual Blue Costume as Dick Grason in the main dimension for his default
attire; then the Regime Nightwing having long hair and the red suit and being
Damian Wayne.
Very broad Wonder Woman
Using the stage transition
feature; the characters can be knocked into new areas; this can sometimes
include different characters such as Killer Croc; the Penguin etc Although it
is a nice way to put other DC characters in as well as in the backgrounds; it
can look odd when the characters start interacting with them because they are
of different heights and builds so often they won’t connect properly.
Stage transition at Arkham Asylum
One bad design flaw with one of
the environments; especially during the story, is having Doomsday in one of the
backgrounds and also having him playable or as an opponent. With Mortal Kombat
if this happened then the character who was in the background would not be
there anymore and would be stood fighting the player. In this however Doomsday
is both in the background and as the Opponent; this is slightly annoying
especially in story mode as Superman has to fight Doomsday; with Doomsday the
same in the background.
Superman fighting Doomsday in story mode with Doomsday in the background |
There are a few errors with capes
getting stuck in the air sometimes but mostly they are fine and move the
correct way. Other than that no other glitches have appeared; they have done a
good job of incorporating the characters into the environments and getting the
right feel from the game that they wanted.
Music and Voices
The music in this game is superb;
it fights the environments extremely well and any scenes that are shown; it
adds to the dramatic nature of the game and adds an air of darkness and sadness
to a lot of its tracks; especially during sad scenes such as the Death of
Shazam, it was a piece that really tugged at the heart strings of the player
especially with him only really being a young boy that changes into a man;
seeing the Flash so upset afterwards helps personify this scene as well.
The music fits the games style
and isn’t too overpowering during the fights as some soundtracks can be and
allows the player to fight without the music distracting them too much.
The voices work well with all the
characters and a lot use the voices they have done in other games or TV shows;
such as Cyborg. The only downside is that Mark Hamel isn’t doing the jokers
voice; but one good thing is that with the Arrow dlc costume they actually got
Stephen Amell to come and voice the costume; so it isn’t the same voice doing
both Green Arrow’s. A lot of time and effort went into doing the voices and it
is clearly evident from a great performance each actor and actress gives during
the story mode. The only one that doesn't really suit is Ravens but with Tara Strong doing Harley's voice there wasn't much they could do.
Game Mechanics
Being a fighter; Injustice uses a
lot of what other Mortal Kombat games have used before; but it does some of it
in a good way; whilst introducing certain features that make it slightly
The main controls are the usual;
for this review; it’ll be based on the PS3 controls. L1 is used for throws, R1
is used to use environmental objects; X is a heavy attack, Square is a light
mid attack, triangle is a light high attack, and circle is a special ability
depending on the character; for instance Wonder Woman can switch between her
Lasso or Sword and Shield to fight; Doomsday gets a shield that reduces damage
and push back. R2 and L2 together will perform the characters super move when
the gauge is full. R2 along with a special move input will use some of the
super gauge to upgrade the special move into a more powerful version; although
it only works for a select few moves. By using the directional buttons or
analog stick the player can use different moves etc. Pressing and holding back
the player will block.
Matches work differently as well
compared to most fighters; each character has two health bars and the player
must defeat the opponent using this; unlike Mortal Kombat where if you win one
round your health recovers; in Injustice, it does not recover and you instantly
go to the second round with however Health you had remaining in the last round.
This is the same for the opponent as well.
If the player is in the correct
spot on a stage; they can do a stage transition by pressing back and X on the ps3
controller and hitting their opponent; the character hit will fly back and
receive a lot of damage as they move onto the next area. Not all stages have
these transitions but they do come in handy for dealing a lot damage to the
One of the things this game suffers from; and it seems to be an increasing trend with a lot of fighters; is that there is a balancing issue straight off the bat. For instance Doomsday gets a shield that protects him for a short period of time, Grundy has unblockable grabs and for a split instance he is unstoppable; the Green Lantern is capable of doing a 93% hit combo and is the only one able to do so. Patches will arrive to fix these but its something that should have been in the game to begin with; but as stated earlier, it seems to be an increasing trend. This was also done for Soul Calibur 5 and Playstation All Stars Battle Royale.
On the Atlantis stage; when the
player gets to either end of the stage they cannot use the stage transition;
however they can use the interactable environment trigger ‘R1’; by pressing
this button the player will either turn the valve to release a jet of water or
punch the tank and release all the water; causing a lot of damage to the
opponent. This is all dependant on the type of character you are using and also
effects how other areas work. If the character is in the middle of the stage
and they press R1 and hit the enemy they will knock them against an area in the
background to cause damage; but this isn’t for all stages but it does work for
all characters. However for large objects that be interacted with; it depends
on the character. On the Metropolis stage there is a car to the left side of
the screen; a light character such as Nightwing can flip off it and over his
opponent; Death Stroke will flip off it and plant a bomb on it so it blows up
after he flips over the enemy; Lex Luthor will pick up the car and hit his
opponent with it. So three different types of actions can occur; objects in the
work slightly different and can get a different action from what they did on
the ground. Luthor will still pick up the objects and smash them against his
opponent; lighter characters will either jump off it and kick or swing across
the area and for objects that are picked up and thrown; a bomb is placed on
them. So it works differently based on the object being used rather than based
on the character themselves.
Killer Frost turning the water wheel at Atlantis |
Another system that was put in
place for fights is the Wager system. If the player and the opponent clash
based on what they used against each other they will go into a wager moment;
where they have to bet how much super meter to use in order to win the clash.
The one that uses more is the one that wins. It comes in two modes; attack and
defence; the attacker will do damage based on how much super meter was used if
they win, the defender will recover health depending on how much super meter
was used if they win. If both use the same amount of the super meter they will
draw and neither will receive damage or health. However the issue with this
system is that it makes players not want to use their super meter so they can
win these wagers; they always seem to happen after using any of your meter and
the opponent has a full meter so they win and you have to waste time dealing
more damage to them again.
Green Arrow and Hawkgirl as they clash |
Super moves occur when the
character has a full meter and press R2/L2 together; these can be blocked so it
is best to use them in the right situation; such as hitting the enemy first
before attempting it to make sure they are stunned from the previous attack.
Some require the character to be in a specific position like Green Arrows; it
should only be used if the opponent is slightly further away; if they are too
close or too far it will miss automatically. They come in handy during
difficult situations but as mentioned above; it is harder to use them with the
Wager system as it will be likely that after the player has used it they will
go into a Wager situation and lose.
Shazam performing his supermove on Doomsday |
In story mode; there are some
points where the player has to do specific inputs to either protect themselves
from damage or deal damage to their opponent before the fight.
- Batman: throw batmerangs at
Luthor and knock him back before he gets too close
- Green Lantern: Before the battle
against Sinestro, input buttons to block his attacks; and then press buttons
rapidly during the chainsaw scene to deal damage to him
- The Joker: Throw cards at
Nightwing by pressing the correct buttons on the cards; dealing damage to him
each time the sequence is done right
- Green Arrow: Fire arrows at
Grundy as he gets closer to knock him back; shoot the objects he throws to stop
getting damaged
- Batman: Block all of Green Arrow’s
- Wonder Woman: enter the correct
button sequence to block all of Bane’s bullets
- Superman: Press the correct
buttons to stop the cars with Laser Eyes that Black Adam throws and eventually
shoot him
Green Arrow shooting Grundy |
Is it a Challenge?
Injustice is definitely a
challenging game; it requires the player to be focused at all time otherwise
they will end up losing easily. This is especially evident in battles modes
even on normal difficulty; the fights start off easy and get more difficult as
they; once the player gets to around the last three battles; they will start to
use more of their super bar to perform extended super moves that can cause a
lot of problems.
Along with this; giving the
player the option to fight every character, on the hardest difficulty with only
one chance, it is a heck of a challenge that a lot of players will want to try
and achieve.
The S.T.A.R Labs missions add a
different challenge to the game that is different to that of the regular
battles as they introduce different elements that make them all unique and
In saying that the game is a
challenge; the game is still playable and that the challenge is actually do
able; unlock in Soul Calibur 5 where you could spend hours just trying to do
one battle. It can get a bit too much at times; when you have fought many
battles beforehand.
Overall Scores
Story Score – 7/10 – Overall the
story is predictable in that they used the alternate dimension excuse to make
Superman evil; a future scenario would have been much better and made it more
interesting in that regard. However the darkness behind the story and the
events that transpired during it were fantastic; the part where Superman killed
Captain Marvel was not expected and it really helped put everything into
perspective for the Flash. Although the ending wasn’t anything impressive; it
has left it open for a sequel; so it will be interesting to see where they go
with it. As a fighter it is nice to have a story there even if it’s not overly
impressive; this story had a mix of good and bad points.
Game Modes Score – 8/10 – there
are many options for the player to choose from; not just battle and that’s it;
if the player wants to challenge themselves they can use the battle modes to
attempt that or go online and face against other players etc. If they want to
practice they can use single battle or training. If they want to have some fun
they can do the S.T.A.R lab missions. However in saying this; it only got an 8
because there does feel like it is missions something; but as the first in the
series it works fine and can be added to in future instalments.
Presentation Score – 7/10 – A
very well presented game but a few things let it down; such as the character
models for females and the environments being a bit too busy; whilst they are
good they can be a bit distracting. The ability to throw characters through to
different areas is a nice way of showing off other characters such as Killer
Croc etc. But the errors with the models when interacting can be a bit strange
when you see them. Generally it is a nice looking game though.
Music and Voices Score – 9/10 – A
fantastic score as with most DC universe based games and a superb cast of
actors and actresses; that give this game a well deserved performance during
the story mode and just overall.
Game Mechanics Score – 7.5/10 –
Adding the ability to interact with environment points was a good way to change
it up from Mortal Kombat and give the player more to work with and not just the
character. The wagers system could use some work but overall it makes sense for
the game. Combat is as is to be expected with any fighter. Due to the Unbalanced characters it doesn't really deserve more than an 7 but other factors take it up to an 8
Challenge Score – 7/10 – The game
gives a lot of challenge for the player to overcome and enough modes to allow
them to practice so they can get it done. However sometimes the challenge can
get a bit too difficult; especially after fighting numerous battles beforehand,
so at some points its best to quit whilst you are ahead. It is a game that does
require patience but you are rewarded for it.
Feel Score – 7/10 – The game
gives a lot in terms of presentation, gameplay available, the ability to
interact with the environments and gives the player a good challenge and with a
superb soundtrack; it is only let down due to obvious story points and flaws
with the models etc that can take the player out of the immersion. However
using the dark side of the story; it leaves the player wanting to learn more
and keep them immersed until they complete it.
Overall Score – 7.5/10